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Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

There’s a lot that goes on around here…
So we thought we’d share it with you. Check out our recent news below!

Fun with Event Branding!

Have you ever fallen in love with an event's branding? That's what happened to me recently at SmileCon™, the American Dental Association's new reimagined annual meeting. I was fortunate enough to help the excellent team at ADA with their COVID compliance work onsite. I had no idea when I walked into Mandalay Bay's event space…

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Audience Engagement Soars with Visuals

Rule # 10 of Dr. John Medina’s book Brain Rules is “Vision trumps all other senses”. What is he telling us? That vision is by far our most dominant sense, taking up half of our brain’s resources.  That we learn and remember best through pictures, not through written or spoken words. According to Dr. Medina,…

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What Story is Your Event Telling?

Do you love a good story?  Do you want your attendees leaving your event telling everyone how amazing it was? Weaving storytelling into your event helps make it more memorable. Thus associating your event and your organization with these memories. Any site visit to New Orleans showcases the history of this city and this region.…

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Spreading Joy at Events

In her book Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness, Ingrid Fetell Lee "challenges the popular notion that true joy can only come from within" and explores how the seemingly every day spaces and objects around us can have surprising and powerful effect on our mood. In her keynote presentation, Lee…

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What’s my next?

Today I ran across this pin from e4 2018 where the theme was “What’s your next?” Pretty fitting as I step into the next stage of my career. Unfortunately, the pandemic was disastrous for the events industry and for me professionally as well. I retained my job for most of 2020 as we worked to…

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